Auction Catalog

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Displaying items 13 - 24 of 54 in total

Wierd Science

Mr. Linder - 5th Grade

Happy Hour!

Teacher Rosie - 5th Grade

Portland Night Out

CSS Midlevel


CSS Midlevel

PDX Faves & Other Goodness

CSS Midlevel

Mystery Bag

CSS Midlevel

Ultra Violet Cocktail

Friends of CSS PTA

Wine Ticket

Wine Donor

Send a Teacher to FUNraiser Ticket

Friends of CSS PTA

1 Game Ticket

Friends of CSS PTA

Use game tickets to play games for a chance to win a prize.​

Use game tickets to play games for a chance to win a prize.​

Use game tickets to play games for a chance to win a prize.​

1 Raffle Ticket

Friends of CSS PTA

10 Game Tickets

Friends of CSS PTA

Use game tickets for to play games for a chance to win a prize.

Use game tickets for to play games for a chance to win a prize.

Use game tickets for to play games for a chance to win a prize.